Considerations from The Poetics of Space

"At times we think we know ourselves in time, when all we know is a sequence of fixations in the spaces of the being's stability--a being who does not want to melt away, and who, even in the past, when he sets out in search of things past, wants time to 'suspend' its flight."

"Ou vous ai-je perdue, mon imagerie pietinee?"
"Where did I lose you, my trampled fantasies?"

"All values must remain vulnerable, and those that do not are dead."

"If we were to look among the wealth of our vocabulary for verbs that express the dynamics of retreat, we should find images based on animal movements of withdrawal, movements that are engraved in our muscles."

"On the plains I am always elsewhere, in an elsewhere that is floating, fluid. Being for a long time absent from myself and nowhere present, I am too inclined to attribute the inconsistency of my daydreams to the wide open spaces that induce them."

"In certain almost supernatural inner states, the depth of life is entirely revealed in the spectacle, however ordinary, that we have before our eyes, and which becomes the symbol of it."

"L'espace m'a toujours rendu silencieux."
"Space has always reduced me to silence."

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